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Teaser 1 - Robo Buddy's Robo-Boogie!

  Class 2.0 | Connect

In this course students will learn how to code in micro-based Python and build robots. You'll master different skills on your journey into introductory robotics. Let's get started.

Check out your HEXLINK.

This includes a WeMos, Dual Base, and Breardboard for circuit prototyping.

WeMos D1 Mini

Microcontroller: ESP8266EX, IoT, Wi-Fi Capable 802.11 b/g/n
Processor: Tensilica L106 32-bit RISC processor, clocked at 80/160 MHz
Micro-USB Port: Connect WeMos to your computer's USB.
Flash Memory: 4 MB
Operating Voltage: 3.3V
Supports: Arduino, C++, MicroPython, and NodeMCU Lua

5V Pin (Two Functions):
V-OUT: 5V output pin when WeMos is connected to external power.
V-IN: Accepts external 5V input from a regulated power supply or battery. The onboard regulator will convert this into 3.3V for the ESP8266.

3.3V Pin:
Provides 3.3V power directly to the ESP8266.
Use this if you're supplying your own regulated 3.3V power source.

Note: Do not power both the 5V and 3.3V pins simultaneously.

Step 1) Download the Software:

 Arduino Lab for MicroPython IDE  [Download Page]
 uPyCraft IDE  [Download Page]

UPyCraft is needed to upload code by USB interface to your Hexlink.

  Class 2.1 | Soil Moisture

HEXLINK Circuit Diagram:

Pin.IN Configures the pin as an input.
Pin.OUT Configures the pin as an output.

from machine import Pin
from time import sleep

led = Pin(2, Pin.OUT)

while True:
  led.value(not led.value())

# We start by loading our MicroPython Modules	
from machine import Pin      # Import function 'Pin' from Module 'machine'
from time import sleep       # Import function 'sleep' from Module 'time'

led = Pin(2, Pin.OUT)        # Create 'led' variable to turn LED on/off
                             # Pin.OUT sets Pin 2 as an OUTPUT Pin

while True:                  # While the following statements are true, do
  led.value(not led.value()) # Turn the LED value on/off, using 'not' flip
  sleep(1)                   # 1-second delay

  Class 2.2 | Detect Distance

HEXLINK Circuit Diagram:

Learn how to detect the light level in a room using a Photoresistor! These are sensors for detecting light based on a variable resistance. You can access them using your analog pin (A0) on the Wemos D1 Mini and its built-in ADC (Analog-to-Digital Converter) to read the light level.

Your WeMos D1 Mini's ADC reads values between the range of 0 to 1023, corresponding to 0V to 3.3V.

from machine import ADC
from time import sleep

photoresistor = ADC(0)

while True:
    light =
    print("Light Level:", light)

# This method loads only 2 required functions	
from machine import ADC     # From Module 'machine' import function 'ADC'
from time import sleep      # From Module 'time' import function 'sleep'

photoresistor = ADC(0)      # Initialize the ADC pin (A0 on WeMos)

while True:
    light =  # Read the analog value (0-1023)
    print("Light Level:", light)  # Print the light level to the console
    sleep(0.5)                          # Pause for 0.5 seconds

  Class 2.3 | Temp & Humidity

HEXLINK Circuit Diagram:

Turn your LED on/off based on the Photoresistor light level. Use our analog pin (A0) as a switch to toggle our LED.

from machine import ADC, Pin
from time import sleep

photoresistor = ADC(0)
led = Pin(2, Pin.OUT)

while True:
    light =
    if light  < THRESHOLD:
    print("Light Level:", light)

# This method loads 3 required functions	
from machine import ADC, Pin     # Import from Module 'machine' functions 'ADC, Pin'
from time import sleep           # Import from Module 'time' function 'sleep'

photoresistor = ADC(0)           # Initialize ADC for the photoresistor (A0)
led = Pin(2, Pin.OUT)
                                 # Define the light level threshold
THRESHOLD = 300                  # Adjust based on your environment

while True:
    light = # Read light level from photoresistor (0-1023)
    if light < THRESHOLD:        # Check the light level and toggle LED
        led.on()                 # Turn LED on (dark environment)
    else:                # Turn LED off (bright environment)
    print("Light Level:", light) # Print the light level for debugging
    sleep(0.2)                   # Tiny delay to avoid rapid toggling


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